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An example dessert or treat idea

Raw Dates and Almost Slice RecipeINGREDIENTS

1 cup of almonds soaked overnight discard water
2 cups of dates soaked for couple of hours 1 cup for topping
1 cup of filtered water
1/2 cup of cocoa powder
2 cups of chopped coconut flesh (the tender white walls inside the coconut) or desiccated coconut is fine.


Place in a food processor and blend all ingredients until smooth. Pour into a biscuit tray to about 1 inch in thickness. Leave covered in fridge for 2 - 3 hours to firm up.

For topping; process the second cup of dates in blender with a little water until smooth like ‘cake icing’ and spread over the set mix. Sprinkle with some desiccated coconut or other nuts of your choice. Rest in fridge, then cut into squares.


Nuts, grains and seeds often lye dormant in nature waiting for optimal growing conditions. To protect itself from predators during this time, it produces nutritional inhibitors and certain toxins that can disrupt the digestion and absorption of anything consuming it. Soaking stimulates the germination process and reduces many of these detrimental defences mechanisms.

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