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How do I score the challenge each day?

Scoring is done in the "SUBMIT SCORE" box of your dashboard and is a two-step process.

How do I score?

  1. Score the habits that you have successfully completed. By ticking the square box, you represents "yes" I performed this habit, and leaving the box empty means "no" I did not. For the nutrition habit, you begin each day with 5 points and lose one for each food choice you make that is non-compliant for your level. To score nutrition, enter a number between 0 and 5. For example, entering a 3 would mean you lost two points for the day.
  2. Post a simple comment on your progress i.e., how you are feeling or what needs to change, what you are learning, any tasty recipes you have cooked, etc.

Here is a short video showing you exactly how to submit your daily score: